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Terms and Condition  Compet Medical AG

The fol­lo­wing Terms and Con­di­ti­ons shall ap­ply to all purchase agree­ments con­clu­ded via this web­site and its or­der form:

Nie­der­las­sung BRD
Max-Stro­meyer Str. 170
D-78467 Kon­stanz

Tel.:  +41 7531 361 07 90
Fax:  +41 7531 361 07 91 

Ust-Id-Nr.:  DE 286 780 059
Steuer-Nr.: 09405/07068

Haupt­sitz Schweiz 
Kalchthoren­str. 4
CH-8598 Bot­tig­ho­fen

Schil­ling Klaus, Dipl. Ing.

Branch num­ber : Han­dels­re­gis­ter­amt des Kan­tons Thur­gau



1 Scope of ap­p­li­ca­tion

  1. The fol­lo­wing terms and con­di­ti­ons (her­einaf­ter re­fer­red to as “Terms and Con­di­ti­ons”) ap­ply for the con­tract con­clu­ded bet­ween the custo­mer ( “Custo­mer” or “You”) and Com­pet Me­di­cal AG (re­fer­red to as “Com­pet Me­di­cal”) via the web­sites  in­clu­ding the do­mains for­war­ded the­reto re­la­ted to the de­li­very of goods of­fe­red by Com­pet Me­di­cal AG . All de­li­ve­ries, ser­vices and of­fers from are made ex­clu­si­vely on the ba­sis of exis­ting Terms and Con­di­ti­ons ac­cord­ing to
  2. Custo­mers are le­gal per­sons and part­nerships with le­gal ca­pa­city who or­der for com­mer­cial or pro­fes­sio­nal pur­po­ses.
  3. Com­pet Me­di­cal pro­vi­des the ser­vices on the ba­sis of these Terms and Con­di­ti­ons.

2  Con­clu­sion of con­tract

  1. The pre­sen­ta­tion of pro­ducts on the web­site does not con­sti­tute a bin­ding of­fer.
  2. You can or­der goods by com­ple­ting the elec­tro­nic or­der pro­cess via our web­site, te­le­phone, mail or fax or­ders.
  3. Your or­der re­p­res­ents a bin­ding of­fer. The con­fir­ma­tion of re­ce­ipt of the or­der fol­lows im­me­dia­tely af­ter the sub­mis­sion of your or­der and does not con­sti­tute ac­cep­tance of the of­fer. A bin­ding con­tract bet­ween the custo­mer and Com­pet Me­di­cal is only con­clu­ded by me­ans of con­fir­ma­tion with de­li­very note and/or in­voice wi­t­hin five days at the la­test.

3 Pri­ces

  1. The pri­ces in € eu­ros listed for the pro­ducts at the time of or­de­ring ap­ply for or­ders.
  2. All pri­ces quo­ted are ex­clu­sive of VAT and ex­clude ship­ping costs for Ger­many and in the EU. Ad­di­tio­nal costs will be char­ged and iden­ti­fied se­pa­r­ately.

4 Terms of de­li­very

  1. If Com­pet Me­di­cal in­curs ad­di­tio­nal ship­ping costs due to the spe­ci­fi­ca­tion of an in­cor­rect de­li­very ad­dress and dif­fe­rent ope­ning hours for de­li­very, these costs shall be borne by the custo­mer in full.
  2. The ship­ping costs are cal­cu­la­ted ba­sed on or­der quan­tity, weight and re­ci­pi­ent ad­dress. In Ger­many, a sin­gle pa­ckage costs €13.40 (in the EU €24.60), bund­led pa­cka­ges  in Ger­many (if pos­si­ble) €17.15 (in the EU €31.50) plus 19% VAT  resp. va­lid tur­no­ver tax–ID.
    Great Bri­tain up to 12 kg €32.80 more €42.00 plus 19% VAT. For large quan­ti­ties, the pal­let pri­ces ap­ply ac­cord­ing to the daily of­fer.
  3. De­li­very is in principle with GLS. Com­pet Me­di­cal ships from Mon­day to Fri­day. For lar­ger or­der quan­ti­ties, the de­li­very time is 5–10 days or lon­ger; these are car­ried out via freight for­war­der.
  4. Com­pet Me­di­cal is also en­t­it­led to par­tial de­li­ve­ries and par­tial ser­vices. Any costs in­cur­red for se­pa­rate ship­ping are borne by Com­pet Me­di­cal.
  5. Com­pet Me­di­cal is not re­spon­si­ble for any goods which are blo­cked at Customs. Be­fore purcha­sing and im­por­ting the goods in their coun­try, the custo­mer must make the ne­cessary in­qui­ries with the lo­cal aut­ho­ri­ties to en­sure that all or­de­red ar­ti­cles are per­mit­ted for their coun­try.
  6. If a purcha­ser fails to collect the goods, Com­pet Me­di­cal may, at their dis­cre­tion, eit­her sell the goods to a third party af­ter a pe­riod of 2 weeks and hold the ori­gi­nal purcha­ser li­able for any loss or in­sist on per­for­mance of the con­tract. The re­mai­ning sta­tutory claims of Com­pet Me­di­cal re­main re­ser­ved.
  7. If the goods are not de­li­ver­a­ble due to force ma­jeure or pro­duct ad­just­ment or if Com­pet Me­di­cal can­not pro­cure the or­de­red pro­ducts un­der rea­son­able con­di­ti­ons and should these cir­cum­s­tan­ces only oc­cur af­ter the con­clu­sion of the con­tract and are not the re­spon­si­bi­lity of Com­pet Me­di­cal, Com­pet Me­di­cal will be ex­emp­ted from the ob­li­ga­tion to de­li­ver.
  8. In the case of events that make the de­li­ve­ries of Com­pet Me­di­cal si­gni­fi­cantly more dif­fi­cult or im­pos­si­ble (such as strikes, lock­outs or di­rec­tions from the aut­ho­ri­ties, etc.), Com­pet Me­di­cal shall not be li­able for any de­lays, in­clu­ding bin­din­gly agreed time li­mits and dead­lines.
  9. The custo­mer must im­me­dia­tely in­spect the de­li­ve­ries of Com­pet Me­di­cal. Com­p­laints about da­ma­ged goods must be im­me­dia­tely ad­dres­sed to the de­li­ve­rer (GLS or for­war­der) on site. Ob­vious de­fects must be re­por­ted to Com­pet Me­di­cal im­me­dia­tely upon re­ce­ipt of the goods. If the custo­mer fails to do so, the de­li­very shall be de­emed ap­pro­ved and no fur­ther war­ranty claims may be made, sub­ject to any hid­den de­fects.

5 Right of can­cel­la­tion

  1. Please note that ba­si­cally ste­rile pa­cka­ged goods/items are ex­clu­ded from being re­tur­ned.
  2. We re­serve the right to de­duct com­pen­sa­tion for any da­mage or ex­ces­sive wear and tear of the pa­cka­ging from the re­fun­ded purchase price.
  3. In case of a can­cel­la­tion of the or­der, we re­serve the right to charge the ship­ping costs plus a pro­ces­sing fee. In the case of can­cel­la­tion from non– EU­coun­tries, we also re­serve the right to charge the costs of customs clearance to the re­spec­tive coun­try as well as any other customs du­ties.

6 Con­di­ti­ons of pay­ment

  1. Please note that we only ac­cept pay­ments from ac­counts wi­t­hin Ger­many, Switz­er­land and the Eu­ropean Union (EU). Un­der no cir­cum­s­tan­ces do we as­sume the cost of a mo­ney tran­sac­tion.
  2. The purchase price is due for pay­ment wi­t­hin 30 days af­ter in­voi­cing and must be trans­fer­red to the ac­count in ac­cordance with the in­voice de­tails in the ac­count of AG.
    The custo­mer will be in de­fault if the pay­ment is not made wi­t­hin 30 days of the due date
  3. If the custo­mer is in de­fault of pay­ment, Com­pet Me­di­cal re­ser­ves the right to charge ad­di­tio­nal costs in­cur­red by the custo­mer for pay­ment re­min­ders, in par­ti­cu­lar, postage costs and other da­mages due to de­lay.
  4. Com­pet Me­di­cal re­ser­ves the right to de­mand ad­vance pay­ments if there are any doubts re­gar­ding the con­trac­tual com­pli­ance with the terms of pay­ment.
  5. Trans­fer of risk
  6. The risk of an un­pre­dic­ta­ble loss and ac­ci­den­tal de­te­rio­ra­tion of the or­de­red goods shall pass to the bu­yer upon han­do­ver — upon ship­ment with de­li­very of the goods — to the ship­per or the per­son or in­sti­tu­tion other­wise re­spon­si­ble for car­ry­ing out the ship­ment.

8 Re­ten­tion of title; bil­ling; right of re­ten­tion

  1. We re­serve the ow­nership of the purcha­sed item un­til full pay­ment of the in­voice amount by the or­de­ring party.
  2. In the case of en­tre­pre­neurs, we re­serve the ow­nership of the purcha­sed item un­til sett­le­ment of all out­stan­ding claims ari­sing from the busi­ness re­la­ti­ons­hip with the custo­mer.
  3. If the custo­mer de­faults on the pay­ment of the in­voice amount, we are en­t­it­led to en­ter the re­ser­va­tion of ow­nership at the ex­pense of the custo­mer in the re­ser­va­tion of ow­nership re­gis­ter. The cor­re­spon­ding li­ens are trans­fera­ble to third par­ties.
  4. You are only en­t­it­led to set-off if your coun­ter-claims have been le­gally es­tab­lished or re­co­gnised by us. Fur­ther­more, you also have a right of re­ten­tion if and in­so­far as your coun­ter-claim is ba­sed on the same con­trac­tual re­la­ti­ons­hip.
  5. If the custo­mer is in de­fault of any sin­gle pay­ment ob­li­ga­tion re­la­ting to goods or­de­red from us, all exis­ting pay­ment de­mands will be due im­me­dia­tely.

9 Data pro­tec­tion pro­vi­si­ons

  1. For data pro­tec­tion the re­gu­la­ti­ons of our data pro­tec­tion de­cla­ra­tion, which form an in­te­gral com­po­nent of these Terms and Con­di­ti­ons,

10 Dis­c­lai­mer of lia­bi­lity

10.1 The par­ties ex­pressly agree that the customer’s re­me­dies in the event of mal­prac­tice or non-ful­filment shall be li­mi­ted from the right of wi­th­dra­wal pur­suant to Clause 5 of the Terms and Con­di­ti­ons and any fur­ther lia­bi­lity, com­pen­sa­tion or other claims of Com­pet Me­di­cal, to the extent that such ex­clu­sion is per­mit­ted by law.

10.2 Apart from that, Com­pet Me­di­cal is only li­able for da­mage suf­fe­red by the custo­mer cau­sed by Com­pet Me­di­cal em­ployees, eit­her in­ten­tio­nally or through gross ne­gli­gence.
There is no lia­bi­lity for da­mage ari­sing from slight ne­gli­gence. To the extent per­mit­ted by law, lia­bi­lity for da­mages cau­sed by au­xi­li­ary par­ties is wai­ved.

11 Fi­nal pro­vi­si­ons

11.1 The con­tract lan­guage is Ger­man – even if these ge­ne­ral terms and con­di­ti­ons are pro­vi­ded in other lan­guages, es­pe­ci­ally in Eng­lish.

In the event of dis­agree­ments and dis­pu­tes in con­nec­tion with the purchase of Com­pet Me­di­cal pro­ducts, the laws of the Fe­deral Re­pu­blic of Ger­many shall ap­ply, wi­t­hout pos­si­bi­lity of re­course to the UN Sa­les Con­ven­tion (CISG).

11.2 For all dis­pu­tes ari­sing from this con­tract, the place of ju­ris­dic­tion is agreed as D-78467 Kon­stanz, un­less other­wise sti­pu­la­ted by law.

11.3 Should in­di­vi­dual pro­vi­si­ons of this con­tract be or be­come in­ef­fec­tive, the other con­tract con­di­ti­ons re­main un­af­fec­ted

12 Chan­ges to these Terms and Con­di­ti­ons

12.1 Com­pet Me­di­cal may amend these Terms and Con­di­ti­ons at any time. The cur­rent Terms and Con­di­ti­ons can be found at


Sta­tus: Oc­to­ber 2018

Niederlassung BRD
Max Stromeyer Str. 170
D-78467 Konstanz
Tel. +49 7531 361 07 90
Fax +49 7531 361 07 91
copyright 2018 by Compet Medical AG Designed by