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Com­pet Me­di­cal AG has been de­ve­lo­ping and dis­tri­bu­ting harm re­duc­tion pro­ducts for more than 30 ye­ars. These are user and prac­tice-ori­en­ted, of su­pe­rior qua­lity and of­fer ex­cel­lent va­lue for mo­ney.

The pro­ducts have been and are con­ti­nu­ally being op­ti­mi­sed. We of­fer a wide range of pro­ducts for “safer use”.

This is what our ste­rile, dis­po­sable pro­ducts, such as our sy­rin­ges, hy­po­der­mic need­les, fil­ters and ac­cess­ories, stand for.

The con­sump­tion of drugs harms one’s phy­si­cal and men­tal health, and we re­so­lutely op­pose it. De­aling in, purcha­sing and the pos­ses­sion of drugs are pu­nis­ha­ble acts. Nar­co­tics Act (BtMG)  The pre­sent do­cu­men­ta­tion is un­der no cir­cum­s­tan­ces in­ten­ded to en­dorse the con­sump­tion of drugs, but me­rely to help re­duce the risk to health. Any lia­bi­lity for re­com­men­da­ti­ons of use is ex­pressly ex­clu­ded.




1989 Compet Medical AG was founded, based in Switzerland with a branch office in Germany, and the Flash®™ prevention set was developed and placed on the market.

1992 Compet Medical AG succeeded in developing a special "Harm Reduction" filter and producing this cost-effectively.

1995 the SyriFilt®™ filter was followed by the SyriSpoon®™ stainless steel spoon and the LubriMaster®™ lubricant. 

1998 SyriSet®™ was launched. Four combinations have since been stocked.

Ab 2000 many custom-packaged prevention sets followed.

2005 SyriFilt®™PIC - the filter disc of the SyriPric®™ PLUS was integrated into the Luerhub of the hypodermic needle.

Ab 2012 Compet Medical AG's product developments were registered with the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IGE), and the brand names were registered.

2018 SyriSol®™ PLUS was a new addition to the product range in 2018. The filter division was supplemented by four new filter types (filter membranes).



Filter:          SyriFilt®™

Syringe :    SyriPrick®™

Syringeset: SyriSet®™ 

Kits:              SyriKit®™ Safe4you

NaCl 0.9%:   SyriSol®™ &
                      SyriSol®™ PLUS

Spoon:          SyriSpoon®

Sets:              Flash®™

Needle:         SyriPic®™ &
.                      SyriFilt®™ PIC

Condom:      Joy®™ 

Lubricant:     LubriMaster®™


Niederlassung BRD
Max Stromeyer Str. 170
D-78467 Konstanz
Tel. +49 7531 361 07 90
Fax +49 7531 361 07 91
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